• Dear Phiosa,

    It took awhile but I'm finally in a space where I feel at peace. After weeks of dealing with a lot of ups and downs; it was time I took some time for myself. I'm glad I did. I was tired of my dreams simply staying dreams. So I started putting myself out there and focusing on myself. I know... I can't believe it either but I'm finally starting to listen and here I am. Now, I'm beginning to watch everything I've ever dreamed of become reality. I swear these are happy tears but I'm so proud of you. I don't say this enough but you are talented and deserve nothing but greatness. It took us awhile and a long time of growth but you're finally realizing your potential and your worth. This is just the start of a new beautiful beginning. Anyways, I still can't believe I write to myself but... I'm truly looking forward to what's upcoming for our future because I know it'll be something special.

    Love You Always